
Reach businesses who want what you have to offer

Connect with more of your ideal prospects than ever with targeted customer lists that are complete with Email, Telephone, Mailing Addresses, and more
Create unlimited business lists using 50+ search criteria
Discover look-a-like companies, leave notes, or export lists to CSV
Enrich and add authentic business data to your B2B lists

51³Ô¹Ï B2B Marketing Lists

Find all of your future customers in one place


Identify, connect, and reach more businesses than ever

Instantly build targeted lists with 50+ smart filters like Industry, Turnover, Location search, and every UK company to choose from

Create Company Lists

Build targeted company lists by using criteria that fit your purpose, uploading your existing lists, or by discovering similar companies

Cleanse & Append

Add data to new or existing lists, spanning Key Financials, Directors, Risk, and more

Create Custom Labels

Quickly group prospects by labelling companies based on how far you've progressed together

Discover Similar Companies

Import existing company lists, discover what they have in common, and effortlessly create all new lists that fit your criteria

Summarise Your Lists

Analyse your lists of companies and get a full breakdown of the types of businesses they're made up of

Everything you receive in an 51³Ô¹Ï B2B Marketing List

  • Regulatory Data
    Registered Company Name, Number, and Address, Trading Status & more
  • Up-to-the-second Financials
    Turnover, Assets, Liabilities, Cash At Bank, EBITDA, Trade Debtors, and more
  • Live Creditworthiness
    Credit Score, Credit Limit, Credit Band, Gazettes, Charges, and more
  • Core Company Intel
    No. of Employees, Company Size, Description, Company Age and more
  • Compliant Contact Info
    GDPR and CTPS-friendly Telephone, Email, and Website data
  • Decision Maker Names & Influence
    Director Names, Ages, Nationality, and Roles + Shareholder Names and Percentages
  • Industry Insights
    Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes and Industry Description
  • Mailing List Addresses
    Full Addresses, or Separated Address Lines, Towns, Regions, Postcodes, Country
Downloadable as CSV Spreadsheets  See Sample

Discover your next customer now

Available in the 51³Ô¹Ï App. Starting from £25/month. No minimum terms or contracts.
  • Explore 7 million companies nationwide

    Instantly access comprehensive intel on over 7 million UK companies, including who their Key Decision Makers are and how they're related to different companies
  • Powered by authoritative, authentic data

    Every insight is shaped by intelligently connecting real-time data from authoritative sources like Companies House, Trust Online, The Gazette and more
  • Informing decisions across the UK

    51³Ô¹Ï helps teams across the country make faster and smarter decisions including businesses like HSBC, Aviva, Deloitte, and Network Rail