Companies House Beta and/or a Companies House Webcheck can be a great way to find free information. However, important information is hidden in lengthy document filings which make it harder and more time-consuming to access the information you need.
51³Ô¹Ï company searches provide all the information that Companies House provides in an easier-to-digest and faster way, complementing this with Competitor, Trademark, Land & Building information, and more. Alongside this business data, with an upgraded search, you can also get immediate access to 5Y Full Accounts in an easy-to-read table as well as Credit Score information.
51³Ô¹Ï company searches help you effortlessly and quickly research directors, companies, and competitors, providing you with:
- Key Financials and Financial Insights like Growth and Decline vs previous year.
- Detailed company information, including Group Structure data like parent company, sibling (partnered company), and child (subsidiary company) information.
- Profile information about Companies, Directors, and Secretaries, including Age, Company Name changes, Appointment changes and more.
- Industrial categorisation, as well as a summary of their trading activity.
- Legal information like 6Y County Court Judgements and their repayment status.
- And more
51³Ô¹Ï company searches offer this depth and variety of information by connecting authentic data from various authoritative sources on a daily basis, including:
- Companies House, the Registry Trust and the TSO Gazette and other suppliers.
- Credit reference agencies.
- Business directories.
- Business Data Registry.
- Company list brokers.
- Fraud prevention agencies.
- Government and law enforcement agencies.
- Information found on websites in the public domain.