
Company Search

Search now and get a detailed view on 7m+ companies across UK

Instant and detailed company search

Easily evaluate a company's credit rating for easy risk management. With real-time Credit Scores & Recommended Credit Limits available in every credit search.
  • Company Credit Report and Score

    Easily evaluate a company's credit rating for easy risk management. With real-time Credit Scores & Recommended Credit Limits available in every credit search.
  • 5 Year Financials

    Search through 10 years' worth of complete financial accounts for every company in the UK. Including Balance Sheets, Profit & Loss, Calculated Ratios and more.
  • 6 Years CCJ & Charges

    Uncover a detailed breakdown of CCJs and understand how companies approach their debt and what approach they take to satisfying it.
  • Company Directors

    Search company directors and see their nationality, date of birth, their roles within the company and how long they've been around with instant company search.
  • Shareholders & Ownership

    Search through shares and learn how much are held to learn about every percentage owned of a company. Including People with Significant Control (PSC) insights.
  • Corporate Group Structure

    Search for who companies are owned by, and who they own, with a full breakdown of a company's corporate group structure.
  • Competition

    Explore competitive landscapes and understand how well a company is faring against the competition it holds the most similarities to with a single company search.
  • Official Documents

    Track company information and activity using Document Filing activity. With instant download on over 120 million Official Companies House documents.
  • Why is a company search important?

    Company searches are used by businesses of all sizes for many reasons, from sole traders, to global leaders. Some to protect their business from risk, others to know their competitor's activity, with reasons ranging from Risk Management, to Company Research, to B2B Marketing and Sales

    Searches should equip you with details about a company and its directors, from general information like business activity to data like Turnover Growth. Some searches, like 51³Ô¹Ï's, offer more detailed insights like the number of employees, business credit data, contact information, shareholders, and more.

    A comprehensive search allows you to discover different types of data which is why they're used by various roles. Saving you time with thorough, connected insights that could otherwise take longer to gather following a free online Companies House search.
  • Why should I perform a company search?

    A detailed understanding of a business's background is always essential, especially when making important decisions. Company searches provide a faster way to access the necessary information that's required to help you make smarter, better-informed, decisions.

    Company searches can help you:
    • Get a better scope on your industry, with a detailed breakdown of competitor finances, growth, as well as harder-to-come-across information like Trademarks, Websites, and more.
    • Discover links between companies, their directors, owners, and their risk profile (past and present), that may give you a bigger picture on how a company responds to credit.
    • Identify new markets, discover competitors, potential customers (and how likely they are to buy), safer suppliers, and more.
  • Prioritise data that you can trust in

    Quickly finding easy-to-apply, important information on the companies and directors that matter most to you means better decisions are made faster, protecting your business and allowing you to grow.

    Company searches offer information that's used to protect and safely grow your business. This means that the reliability, authenticity, and freshness of the insights on offer could change the decisions you make - making or breaking business important decisions. In short, you'll need to be sure that you can trust the information that you use. By ensuring the business data and company information your decisions are based on are from authentic, trustworthy, and up-to-date sources, you'll be able to immediately and securely react to changes to company and industry activity.

    51³Ô¹Ï presents this accurate and real-time information in a fast, meaningful, and useful way. With every company search or company check, you'll be able to effortlessly discover the bigger picture and uncover new information.
  • Is an 51³Ô¹Ï check similar to a Companies House search?

    Companies House Beta and/or a Companies House Webcheck can be a great way to find free information. However, important information is hidden in lengthy document filings which make it harder and more time-consuming to access the information you need.

    51³Ô¹Ï company searches provide all the information that Companies House provides in an easier-to-digest and faster way, complementing this with Competitor, Trademark, Land & Building information, and more. Alongside this business data, with an upgraded search, you can also get immediate access to 5Y Full Accounts in an easy-to-read table as well as Credit Score information.

    51³Ô¹Ï company searches help you effortlessly and quickly research directors, companies, and competitors, providing you with:
    • Key Financials and Financial Insights like Growth and Decline vs previous year.
    • Detailed company information, including Group Structure data like parent company, sibling (partnered company), and child (subsidiary company) information.
    • Profile information about Companies, Directors, and Secretaries, including Age, Company Name changes, Appointment changes and more.
    • Industrial categorisation, as well as a summary of their trading activity.
    • Legal information like 6Y County Court Judgements and their repayment status.
    • And more

    51³Ô¹Ï company searches offer this depth and variety of information by connecting authentic data from various authoritative sources on a daily basis, including:
    • Companies House, the Registry Trust and the TSO Gazette and other suppliers.
    • Credit reference agencies.
    • Business directories.
    • Business Data Registry.
    • Company list brokers.
    • Fraud prevention agencies.
    • Government and law enforcement agencies.
    • Information found on websites in the public domain.

The fastest way to check companies

Better understand a company with an 51³Ô¹Ï Company Check, including their Financials, Creditworthiness, and more.